Monday, September 26, 2005

30Th Anniversary of Marposs Spain

NEWS: In 1975 Marposs decided to cover the Spanish market directly. So, an organization was establish in Barcelona offering technical support, consulting in metrology and after-sales service.

Monday, September 12, 2005


NEWS: The TS30 Tool setter is a compact application for tool presetting on the bench of machining centers with an integrated interface.


NEWS: OP32 is the new MIDA compact probing system (Ø=32mm, L=54mm) with optical transmission, designed for CNC micro-milling machines, machining centres and generally for all small machine tools

MIDA Laser 75 PICO

NEWS: Marposs responds to the growing demand for gauging small tools and the ever increasing number of micro-milling machines with Mida Laser 75 Pico, a miniaturized contactless tool checking system.

3D Shape Inspection

NEWS: Marposs Mida 3D shape inspection software offers significant advantages in the measurement and inspection of sculptured parts directly in the machine.

Tool & Process Monitoring System

NEWS: Marposs has introduced a new product line to help owners of metalworking equipment to optimize performance, improve quality and reduce operational and maintenance costs of machining processes.


NEWS: E83WA is the new MIDA part probing system (Ø=50mm) with optical transmission. Designed for machining centres and milling machines, it can be used in any environment because it has 360° activation/deactivation and data transmission.