MTA-METAL ASIA in Singapore
Labels: marposs, mta-metal asia
Leading global supplier of precision metrology equipment for improving productivity and reducing cost in manufacturing
Marposs S.p.A. - via Saliceto 13 - 40010 Bentivoglio (BO) Italy
Company Info
Labels: marposs, mta-metal asia
Labels: Assindustria, international relations, Mario Possati, marposs, world economy, world finance, young talents
Labels: china glass exhibition
Labels: eliminate gauge cable maintenance, gauge cable maintenance, improve quality, inspection costs, operating costs, wireless gauging
Labels: inter-operational inspection plug, post-process stations, special machine applications
Labels: AE Sensors, NanoUnimar, TS30
Labels: contro 2007
Labels: acquire measures, merlin mobile
Labels: measure diameters, measure in scanning mode, measure inner, verify clearance
Labels: flexible measurement, flexible optoelectronic measurement, optoelectronic measurement
Labels: bore gauge, M1 Wave, wireless bore gauge
Labels: embedded gage computer, gage computer, Merlin embedded gage computer