Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BIMU in Milan, Italy

Marposs next week will be at BIMU in Milan, Italy

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Friday, September 24, 2010

Software Brochures Update

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

SPC And Quality Control Software for Glass Inspection

Quick SPCTM is Marposs software for measurement acquisition, elaboration, display, industrial process quality control and real time SPC.

To know more: SPC And Quality Control Software for Glass Inspection

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

GLASSTEC in Dusseldorf, Germany

Marposs next week will be at GLASSTEC in Dusseldorf, Germany

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Monday, September 20, 2010


Marposs next week will be at ORTHO TEC EUROPE in Mövenpick Hotel Zürich Regensdorf

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AMB in Stuttgart, Germany

Marposs next week will be at AMB in Stuttgart, Germany

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New “TBD”, Non-Contact Tool Breakage Detector

The TBD has been conceived to verify tool presence or breakage under machining condition, in the fastest and most reliable way.

To know more: New “TBD”, Non-Contact Tool Breakage Detector

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Mida OP32 Optical Transmission Touch Probe

The Mida OP32 optical transmission touch probe is available in two versions: OP32 and OP32E, and is designed for use in small and medium sized machining centres and milling machines.

To know more about the: Mida OP32 Optical Transmission Touch Probe

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Quick Block QB1000 - Compact Block Gauge With Dual Ball Bushings

Marposs introduced its Quick Block QB1000 compact block gauge with dual ball bushings for superior drive motion at IMTS 2010. The new QB1000 block gauge is suitable for measurements of diameters, grooves, small shoulders and for all cases where a sensor in the axial position cannot be used.

To know more: Quick Block QB1000 - Compact Block Gauge With Dual Ball Bushings

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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Mida WRG Bore Gauge With Radio Transmission For World-Wide Use

Wireless bore inspection on machining centers has never been so quick and accurate. Marposs WRG is stored in the CNC tool magazine and loaded to the spindle by the tool changer for checking the bore size. WRG is the new Marposs radio transmission bore gauge for part inspection and dimensional control on machining centers. Robust and precise, it is suitable for mass production.

To know more: Mida WRG Bore Gauge With Radio Transmission For World-Wide Use

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New Protomar 300 In-Process Gauge For Cylindrical Grinders

The new Protomar 300 is an absolute gauge with measuring accuracies equal to that of standard in-process gauges.
The Protomar 300 gauge, which has a measuring range of 300 mm, has been designed for measuring diameters having continuous or interrupted surfaces of any shape and number of teeth with +/- 2 microns accuracy.
Its wide measuring range allows the Protomar 300 to gauge sequentially any number of different external diameters on large parts such as railway axles, mill rolls, printing rolls, electrical motors and wind power generators.
All measurements are referenced to a single calibration cycle, thereby eliminating the need for a dedicated setup master for each part or diameter to be ground.

To know more: New Protomar 300 In-Process Gauge For Cylindrical Grinders

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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Merlin Embedded Gauge Computer

The new Merlin Plus gauge computer is designed for simple measuring applications up to 16 sensors/measurements and basic statistical analysis. It represents a new concept of gauge computers using the same technologies created for PDA and portable electronics, for data collection from traditional or wireless measuring devices.

To know more: Merlin Embedded Gauge Computer

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Easy Box USB interface boxes

Marposs introduced an expanded line of its Easy Box USB interface boxes for easy and economical management of measuring gauges at IMTS 2010.

To know more: Easy Box USB interface boxes

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Friday, September 10, 2010

GagePod™ Data Acquisition System

Marposs announced the introduction of its new GagePod™ modular and distributed data acquisition system in booth # E-5521 at IMTS 2010.

To know more: GagePod™ Data Acquisition System

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i-Wave Wireless Interface For Mechanical Gauge Heads

Marposs announced the introduction of the i-Wave, its newest wireless device in the M1 Star bore gauge product line, at IMTS 2010. The i-Wave wireless handle allows quick and easy “plug-and-play” changeover of a variety of mechanical gauge heads without any tools. The handle features the innovative StarLock locking device, a mechanical interface that allows connecting new & existing gauges to the world of wireless gauging.

To know more: i-Wave Wireless Interface For Mechanical Gauge Heads

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

New Artis Crashsensor ACS-3 System

The new artis Crashsensor ACS-3 system monitors, detects and records machine tool crash events in order to reduce secondary damage to expensive components and workpieces, and for evaluation of crash events for warranty purposes.

To know more: New Artis Crashsensor ACS-3 System

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E9066E™ Embedded Industrial PC

Marposs introduced its new E9066E™ embedded, industrial PC for measurement and inspection applications at IMTS 2010.

To know more: E9066E™ Embedded Industrial PC

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

IMTS - International Machine Tool Show in Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

Marposs next week will be at IMTS - International Machine Tool Show in Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

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MSV BRNO in Brno, Czech Republic

Marposs next week will be at MSV BRNO in Brno, Czech Republic

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A New Approach To Shop-Floor Gear Inspection

Roberto Baruchello, technical manager, and Gary Sicheneder, manager of new market development at the Marposs Corporation, Auburn Hills, Mich., describe the Marposs system for gear inspection in the shop floor.

Article From Gear Solution, September 2009 Issue


To know more about A New Approach To Shop-Floor Gear Inspection

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