The Last CIMT Exhibition Marposs Booth Photos
The Last CIMT Exhibition Marposs Booth Photos
Labels: cimt exhibition
Leading global supplier of precision metrology equipment for improving productivity and reducing cost in manufacturing
Marposs S.p.A. - via Saliceto 13 - 40010 Bentivoglio (BO) Italy
Company Info
Labels: cimt exhibition
Labels: control 2011 stuttgart, control exhibition stuttgart
Labels: center of electronic research, research and development
Labels: machining centers, milling machines, tool setting, touch probes
Labels: intermold 2011, intermold exhibition, intermold tokyo
Labels: compact optical probing system, mold making technology, moldmaking operations, on-machine probing technology
Labels: amerimold 2011, amerimold exhibition, amerimold rosemont
Labels: affidabilità e tecnologie 2011, affidabilità e tecnologie exhibition, affidabilità e tecnologie turin
Labels: cimt 2011, cimt Beijing, cimt exhibition