Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Last CIMT Exhibition Marposs Booth Photos

If you missed the last CIMT Exhibition in Bejing, then you may see here some photos of our booth:
The Last CIMT Exhibition Marposs Booth Photos


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

CONTROL in Stuttgart, Germany

Marposs next week will be at CONTROL in Stuttgart, Germany

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Research & Development - Padua Center

The CRE (Center of Electronic Research) is located in Padua, via Armistizio 277, in the premises of Villa Giusti.
The R&D activities of CRE are focused on the design and preliminary test of electronic products both with microprocessor-based architecture and analog-digital mixed architecture...

To know more: Research & Development activities of the Center of Electronic Research

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Touch Probes for Tool Setting on Machining Centers and Milling Machines

The T18 - TS30 - OTS30 - WRTS, touch probes for tool setting on machining centers and milling machines page, has been updated

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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

INTERMOLD in Tokyo, Japan

Marposs next week will be at INTERMOLD in Tokyo, Japan

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Monday, April 11, 2011

On-machine Probing Technology for Mold Manufacture

On-machine probing is a rapidly evolving technology that can impact significantly both productivity and quality in high-value moldmaking operations.

In this article from "Mold Making Technology Magazine", April 2011 issue, Sharad Mundra, product manager for the MIDA line of probing products from Marposs Corp., Auburn Hills, Mich., illustrates decision points to help customers select the right probing system.

To know more: On-machine probing technology for mold manufacture

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

AMERIMOLD in Rosemont, IL, U.S.A.

Marposs next week will be at AMERIMOLD in Rosemont, IL, U.S.A.

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Affidabilità' & Tecnologie, in Turin Italy

Marposs next week will be at Affidabilità' & Tecnologie, in Turin Italy

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Sunday, April 3, 2011

CIMT in Beijing, China

Marposs next week will be at CIMT in Beijing, China

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