Friday, March 30, 2012

THRUVAR™ 8 - In-Process Gauge For ID Grinders With Manual Quick Set-Up

The Thruvar 8 Thru-Spindle Gage measures plunge ground workpiece ID’s. The Thruvar 8 gage is mounted inside the workhead spindle, allowing easy access for workpiece time measurement of workpiece load/unload.
The gage has a patented slip-clutch mechanism to cut gage setup time to less than 60 seconds.
Quick setup also minimises costly part changeover cost.

To know more: THRUVAR™ 8 - In-Process Gauge For ID Grinders With Manual Quick Set-Up

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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Marposs Website in Spanish Language.

Marposs website is now available also in Spanish language.

To know more: Marposs website Spanish language


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

WESTEC in Los Angeles, CA, USA

Marposs next week will be at the WESTEC in Los Angeles, CA, USA

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INDUSTRIE in Paris, France

Marposs next week will be at the INDUSTRIE in Paris, France

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Marposs S.p.A. acquires the full ownership of Brankamp GmbH

BRANKAMP GMBH is a developer, manufacturer and supplier of process monitoring solutions, located in Erkrath, near Dusseldorf, Germany.

to know more:
Marposs S.p.A. acquires the  full ownership of Brankamp GmbH
Brankamp Profile
Brankamp Brand
Brankamp Worldwide Address


Saturday, March 10, 2012

TBD - Non-Contact Tool Breakage Detection System


D31033CI00.pdf    Italian   Operator's Manual       TBD
D31033CG00.pdf   English   Operator's Manual       TBD
D31033CF00.pdf    French   Operator's Manual       TBD
D31033CE00.pdf    Spanish   Operator's Manual       TBD
D31033CD00.pdf    German   Operator's Manual       TBD

D31033BI00.pdf    Italian   Installation Manual       TBD
D31033BG00.pdf   English   Installation Manual       TBD
D31033BF00.pdf   French   Installation Manual       TBD
D31033BE00.pdf   Spanish   Installation Manual       TBD
D31033BD00.pdf   German   Installation Manual       TBD

D6C07000I0.pdf   Italian   Brochure        TBD
D6C07000G0.pdf   English   Brochure        TBD
D6C07000F0.pdf   French   Brochure        TBD
D6C07000E0.pdf   Spanish   Brochure        TBD
D6C07000D0.pdf   German   Brochure        TBD

To Know more: TBD - Non-Contact Tool Breakage Detection System


Friday, March 9, 2012

Mida Software Manuals - Laser SW For Machining Centers And Milling Machines


D310D7AI00.pdf    Italian   _ Tool breakage _   _Siemens 840D-840Di-810D-828D
D310D7AG00.pdf   English   _ Tool breakage _   _Siemens 840D-840Di-810D-828D
D310D7AF00.pdf   French   _ Tool breakage _   _Siemens 840D-840Di-810D-828D
D310D7AE00.pdf   Spanish   _ Tool breakage _   _Siemens 840D-840Di-810D-828D
D310D7AD00.pdf   German   _ Tool breakage _   _Siemens 840D-840Di-810D-828D

D310A7AI01.pdf    Italian   _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and similar 
D310A7AG01.pdf   English   _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and similar 
D310A7AF01.pdf   French   _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and similar 
D310A7AE01.pdf   Spanish   _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and similar 
D310A7AD01.pdf   German   _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and similar 
D310A7A301.pdf   Traditional Chinese  _ Tool breakage _   _Fanuc and simila

To know more: Mida Software Manuals - Laser SW For Machining Centers And Milling Machines

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

Mida Software Manuals - Probing SW For Machining Centers And Milling Machines


D310A2AF04.pdf      French   _ Part check _   _Fanuc and similar

To know more: Mida Software Manuals - Probing SW For Machining Centers And Milling Machines

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Touch Measurement System With Piezoelectric Technology


D31035FI00.pdf    Italian   Installation and User Manual      T25P
D31035FG00.pdf   English   Installation and User Manual      T25P
D31035FF00.pdf   French   Installation and User Manual      T25P
D31035FE00.pdf   Spanish   Installation and User Manual      T25P
D31035FD00.pdf   German   Installation and User Manual      T25P

D6C07100I0.pdf    Italian   Brochure        T25P
D6C07100G0.pdf   English   Brochure        T25P
D6C07100F0.pdf   French   Brochure        T25P
D6C07100E0.pdf   Spanish   Brochure        T25P
D6C07100J0.pdf   Japanese   Brochure        T25P
D6C07100D0.pdf   German   Brochure        T25P

To know more: Touch Measurement System With Piezoelectric Technology

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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

GRINDTEC in Augsburg, Germany

Marposs next week will be at the GRINDTEC in Augsburg, Germany

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Leak testing made by tracing gas (helium)

There is a growing request of leak testing using helium as tracing gas, coming from several industrial sectors like...

To know more, follow the link: Leak testing made by tracing gas (helium)

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Leak Testing by Pressure Decay

Leak testing is a branch of the non-destructive inspection methods aimed to guarantee the tightness of the components under test.

To know more, follow the link: Leak Testing by Pressure Decay

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Customer Satisfaction Relies On Motivated And Qualified Staff

The 5th Mida Product Manager’s Convention (PMC) recently took place in Italy with a group of people sharing a common goal.
That goal is providing high customer satisfaction on machine tool probing solutions...

To know more, follow the link: Customer Satisfaction Relies On Motivated And Qualified Staff

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Leak Testing with Tracer Gas (Helium)

Leak testing is a branch of the non-destructive inspection methods aimed to guarantee the tightness of the components under test.

To know more, follow the link: Leak Testing with Tracer Gas (Helium)

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