Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Dynamic Collision and Crash Detection System

With GEMVM02 you can mitigate or even avoid expensive consequential damage from dynamic collisions in metal cutting machines. In case of a dynamic collision, GEMVM02 initiates a stop signal within <1 ms and keeps the damage as small as possible. In this way, GEMVM02 provides reliable machine protection based on acceleration sensor signals.

Read More: Dynamic Collision and Crash Detection System

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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Fully Portable Optical Micrometer

Handy Wire Scanner is a fully portable optical micrometer for non-contact measurement of wires, cables and other similar products.

Read More: Handy Wire Scanner

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Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Monitoring and Analysis of Machines and Components

The use of intelligent GEMVM03 monitoring units reliably provides the necessary significant data basis for preventive maintenance and simple process monitoring. GEMVM03 initiates a stop signal within <1 ms and keeps the damage as small as possible. 

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Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Laser Micrometers for Dual Axis Measurement

Ultra accurate, high speed Laser Gauges for contact-less diameter measurement, featuring builtin electronics and Ethernet/Rs232/Rs485 interface.

Read More: Laser Gauges for contact-less diameter measurement

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