Wednesday, January 22, 2020

System for Spindle Growth Monitoring

Due to influences by temperature or mechanical forces, the spindle position may be displaced. This can have influence to the work-piece quality. Quality problems are mostly detected very late after measuring procedures which might cause a lot of scrap or problems during following processes.
The GEMDS system uses the data of a non-contact eddy-current sensor to provide a real-time monitoring of spindle elongation due to temperature changes (on the z-axis) or other reasons for displacement.
Read more about GEMDS

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Database Management System for Artis Tool, Process and Machine Condition Monitoring

C-THRU4.0 is a database management system for ARTIS Tool, Process and Machine condition monitoring. With C-THRU4.0, each individual machining step can be viewed in detail and comprehensively. The software also provides information on process quality. C-THRU4.0 permits fast error diagnosis, provides indirect quality evidence for each individual workpiece and each machining step and represents an excellent basis for optimization processes and industry 4.0 applications. Resource efficiency can be achieved perfectly with consistent process monitoring and continuous documentation. Using the software, detailed trend sequences can be generated which reveal weak points and, in combination with event messages, enable a focused reaction.
Read more about C-THRU4.0