Non Contact Measure With Chromaline Camera
Vision systems have a double role:
- Provide a good-quality image of the sample surface with the desired magnification
- Process the image in order to detect and analyze some predefined features or textures.
While the processing units get more and more powerful, the basic limitation of current Vision systems resides in their very small depth of focus (a few dozens of µm or less, depending on the numerical aperture).
Due to this limitation, expensive and complicated Z scanning systems and / or autofocus mechanism are required for viewing samples with larger Z extension and moving samples.
CHROMALINE CAMERA, Chromatic confocal microscopy, is a technology allowing the design of optical systems with a very large depth of focus (up to several mm).
CHROMALINE CAMERA, Freqency Acquisition is available Until 199 500 lines / second thanks to the new High Speed Line Camera